
Allen - 1st Edition

Rare — 1of 250

Owning this card, automatically makes you an SHS member.


Specific allocation of the funds collected.

- 90% of the item’s value will be donated to GiveWell.

- 10% of the item’s value will go to the SHS to cover, gas network fees, NFT platform fees and to support Rorschach art and his future card artworks.

What do you get?

- First and foremost, you become a SHS member.

- You become a donor for a higher cause.

- You’ll receive the NFT item in the form of Hi-quality video format.



- As a gesture of your solidarity and final note; In the far future event of an apocalyptic situation on Earth and humans are forced to leave the planet, the owner of one of our cards is automatically granted access to the transport spacecraft to a safe final destination...We just want the best of humanity out there ;)


© 2021 Rorschach Design